Source code for reverse_argparse.reverse_argparse

The ``reverse_argparse`` module.

Defines the :class:`ReverseArgumentParser` class for unparsing arguments
that were already parsed via :mod:`argparse`, and the
:func:`quote_arg_if_necessary` helper function to surround any arguments
with spaces in them with quotes.

# © 2024 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# (NTESS).  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, the
# U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.

# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

import re
import sys
from argparse import SUPPRESS, Action, ArgumentParser, Namespace
from typing import List, Sequence


[docs] class ReverseArgumentParser: """ Argument parsing in reverse. Whereas :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` is concerned with taking a bunch of command line arguments and parsing them into a :class:`argparse.Namespace`, this class is intended to do the opposite; that is, it'll take the parsed arguments and create the effective command line invocation of the script that generated them. The motivation is to be able to tell users exactly what was used for all of the options, taking into consideration any defaults and other transformations that might've been applied in the midst of parsing, such that they're able to reproduce a prior run of a script exactly. Attributes: _args (List[str]): The list of arguments corresponding to each :class:`argparse.Action` in the given parser, which is built up as the arguments are unparsed. _indent (int): The number of spaces with which to indent subsequent lines when pretty-printing the effective command line invocation. _namespace (Namespace): The parsed arguments. _parsers (List[argparse.ArgumentParser]): The parser that was used to generate the parsed arguments. This is a ``list`` (conceptually a stack) to allow for sub-parsers, so the outer-most parser is the first item in the list, and sub-parsers are pushed onto and popped off of the stack as they are processed. _unparsed (List[bool]): A list in which the elements indicate whether the corresponding parser in :attr:`parsers` has been unparsed. """
[docs] def __init__( self, parser: ArgumentParser, namespace: Namespace, indent: int = 4 ): """ Initialize the object. Args: parser: The :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` used to construct the given ``namespace``. namespace: The parsed arguments. indent: How many spaces to use for each indentation level. (See :func:`get_pretty_command_line_invocation`.) """ self._unparsed = [False] self._args = [parser.prog] self._indent = indent self._parsers = [parser] self._namespace = namespace
[docs] def _unparse_args(self) -> None: """ Unparse all the arguments. Loop over the positional and then optional actions, generating the command line arguments associated with each, and appending them to the list of arguments. """ if self._unparsed[-1]: return psr = self._parsers[-1] actions = ( psr._get_optional_actions() # pylint: disable=protected-access + psr._get_positional_actions() # pylint: disable=protected-access ) for action in actions: self._unparse_action(action) self._unparsed[-1] = True
[docs] def _unparse_action(self, action: Action) -> None: # noqa: C901, PLR0912 """ Unparse a single action. Generate the command line arguments associated with the given ``action``, and append them to the list of arguments. Args: action: The :class:`argparse.Action` to unparse. Raises: NotImplementedError: If there is not currently an implementation for unparsing the given action. """ action_type = type(action).__name__ if action_type != "_SubParsersAction" and ( not hasattr(self._namespace, action.dest) or self._arg_is_default_and_help_is_suppressed(action) ): return if action_type == "_AppendAction": self._unparse_append_action(action) elif action_type == "_AppendConstAction": self._unparse_append_const_action(action) elif action_type == "_CountAction": self._unparse_count_action(action) elif action_type == "_ExtendAction": self._unparse_extend_action(action) elif action_type == "_HelpAction": # pragma: no cover return elif action_type == "_StoreAction": self._unparse_store_action(action) elif action_type == "_StoreConstAction": self._unparse_store_const_action(action) elif action_type == "_StoreFalseAction": self._unparse_store_false_action(action) elif action_type == "_StoreTrueAction": self._unparse_store_true_action(action) elif action_type == "_SubParsersAction": self._unparse_sub_parsers_action(action) elif action_type == "_VersionAction": # pragma: no cover return elif ( action_type == "BooleanOptionalAction" and sys.version_info.minor >= BOOLEAN_OPTIONAL_ACTION_MINOR_VERSION ): self._unparse_boolean_optional_action(action) else: # pragma: no cover message = ( f"{self.__class__.__name__} does not yet support the " f"unparsing of {action_type} objects." ) raise NotImplementedError(message)
[docs] def _arg_is_default_and_help_is_suppressed(self, action: Action) -> bool: """ See if the argument should be skipped. Determine whether the argument matches the default value and the corresponding help text has been suppressed. Such cases indicate that a parser author has hidden an argument from users, and the user hasn't modified the value on the command line, so to match the author's intent, we should omit the argument from the effective command line invocation. Args: action: The command line argument in question. Returns: ``True`` if the argument should be omitted; ``False`` otherwise. """ value = getattr(self._namespace, action.dest) return value == action.default and == SUPPRESS
[docs] def get_effective_command_line_invocation(self) -> str: """ Get the effective command line invocation of a script. This takes into account what was passed into the script on the command line, along with any default values, etc., such that there is no ambiguity in what exactly was run. Returns: What you would need to run on the command line to reproduce what was run before. """ self._unparse_args() return " ".join(_.strip() for _ in self._args if _.strip())
[docs] def get_pretty_command_line_invocation(self) -> str: """ Get a "pretty" version of the command that was run. Similar to :func:`get_effective_command_line_invocation`, but generate a string ready for "pretty-printing", with escaped newlines between each of the arguments, and appropriate indentation. Returns: What you would need to run on the command line to reproduce what was run before. """ self._unparse_args() return " \\\n".join(_ for _ in self._args if _.strip())
[docs] def _get_long_option_strings( self, option_strings: Sequence[str] ) -> List[str]: """ Get the long options from a list of options strings. Args: option_strings: The list of options strings. Returns: A list containing only the long options (e.g., ``"--foo"``), and not the short ones (e.g., ``"-f"``). Note that the list will be empty if there are no long options. """ return [ option for option in option_strings if len(option) > SHORT_OPTION_LENGTH and option[0] in self._parsers[-1].prefix_chars and option[1] in self._parsers[-1].prefix_chars ]
[docs] def _get_short_option_strings( self, option_strings: Sequence[str] ) -> List[str]: """ Get the short options from a list of options strings. Args: option_strings: The list of options strings. Returns: A list containing only the short options (e.g., ``"-f"``), and not the short ones (e.g., ``"--foo"``). Note that the list will be empty if there are no short options. """ return [ option for option in option_strings if len(option) == SHORT_OPTION_LENGTH and option[0] in self._parsers[-1].prefix_chars ]
[docs] def _get_option_string( self, action: Action, *, prefer_short: bool = False ) -> str: """ Get the option string for the `action`. Get the first of the long options corresponding to a given :class:`argparse.Action`. If no long options are available, get the first of the short options. If ``prefer_short`` is ``True``, search the short options first, and fall back to the long ones if necessary. Args: action: The :class:`argparse.Action` in question. prefer_short: Whether to prefer the short options over the long ones. Returns: The option string, or the empty string, if no options string exists (e.g., for positional arguments). """ short_options = self._get_short_option_strings(action.option_strings) long_options = self._get_long_option_strings(action.option_strings) if prefer_short: if short_options: return short_options[0] if long_options: return long_options[0] else: if long_options: return long_options[0] if short_options: return short_options[0] return ""
[docs] def _append_list_of_list_of_args(self, args: List[List[str]]) -> None: """ Append to the list of unparsed arguments. Given a list of lists of command line arguments corresponding to a particular action, append them to the list of arguments, taking into account indentation and the sub-parser nesting level. Args: args: The command line arguments to be appended. """ for line in args: self._args.append(self._indent_str + " ".join(line))
[docs] def _append_list_of_args(self, args: List[str]) -> None: """ Append to the list of unparsed arguments. Given a list of command line arguments corresponding to a particular action, append them to the list of arguments, taking into account indentation and the sub-parser nesting level. Args: args: The command line arguments to be appended. """ self._args.append(self._indent_str + " ".join(args))
[docs] def _append_arg(self, arg: str) -> None: """ Append to the list of unparsed arguments. Given a command line argument corresponding to a particular action, append it to the list of arguments, taking into account indentation and the sub-parser nesting level. Args: arg: The command line argument to be appended. """ self._args.append(self._indent_str + arg)
@property def _indent_str(self) -> str: """ The indentation level. Returns: A string of spaces corresponding to the indentation level. """ return " " * self._indent * len(self._parsers)
[docs] def _unparse_store_action(self, action: Action) -> None: """ Generate the list of arguments for a ``store`` action. Args: action: The :class:`_StoreAction` in question. """ values = getattr(self._namespace, action.dest) if values is None: return flag = self._get_option_string(action) result = [] if flag: result.append(flag) if not isinstance(values, list): values = [values] needs_quotes_regex = re.compile(r"(.*\s.*)") for value in values: string_value = str(value) if string_value = needs_quotes_regex.sub(r"'\1'", string_value) result.append(string_value) self._append_list_of_args(result)
[docs] def _unparse_store_const_action(self, action: Action) -> None: """ Generate the argument for a ``store_const`` action. Args: action: The :class:`_StoreConstAction` in question. """ value = getattr(self._namespace, action.dest) if value == action.const: self._append_arg(self._get_option_string(action))
[docs] def _unparse_store_true_action(self, action: Action) -> None: """ Generate the argument for a ``store_true`` action. Args: action: The :class:`_StoreTrueAction` in question. """ value = getattr(self._namespace, action.dest) if value is True: self._append_arg(self._get_option_string(action))
[docs] def _unparse_store_false_action(self, action: Action) -> None: """ Generate the argument for a ``store_false`` action. Args: action: The :class:`_StoreFalseAction` in question. """ value = getattr(self._namespace, action.dest) if value is False: self._append_arg(self._get_option_string(action))
[docs] def _unparse_append_action(self, action: Action) -> None: """ Generate the list of arguments for an ``append`` action. Args: action: The :class:`_AppendAction` in question. """ values = getattr(self._namespace, action.dest) if values is None: return flag = self._get_option_string(action) if not isinstance(values, list): values = [values] result = [] if isinstance(values[0], list): for entry in values: tmp = [flag] for value in entry: quoted_value = quote_arg_if_necessary(str(value)) tmp.append(quoted_value) result.append(tmp) else: for value in values: quoted_value = quote_arg_if_necessary(str(value)) result.append([flag, quoted_value]) self._append_list_of_list_of_args(result)
[docs] def _unparse_append_const_action(self, action: Action) -> None: """ Generate the argument for an ``append_const`` action. Args: action: The :class:`_AppendConstAction` in question. """ values = getattr(self._namespace, action.dest) if values is not None and action.const in values: self._append_arg(self._get_option_string(action))
[docs] def _unparse_count_action(self, action: Action) -> None: """ Generate the list of arguments for a ``count`` action. Args: action: The :class:`_CountAction` in question. """ value = getattr(self._namespace, action.dest) count = value if action.default is None else (value - action.default) flag = self._get_option_string(action, prefer_short=True) if ( len(flag) == SHORT_OPTION_LENGTH and flag[0] in self._parsers[-1].prefix_chars ): self._append_arg(flag[0] + flag[1] * count) else: self._append_list_of_args([flag for _ in range(count)])
[docs] def _unparse_sub_parsers_action(self, action: Action) -> None: """ Generate the list of arguments for a subparser action. This is done by: * looping over the commands and corresponding parsers in the given subparser action, * recursively unparsing the subparser, and * if the subparser wasn't used to parse the command line arguments, removing it before continuing with the next subcommand-subparser pair. Args: action: The :class:`_SubParsersAction` in question. Raises: RuntimeError: If a subparser action is somehow missing its dictionary of choices. """ if action.choices is None or not isinstance( action.choices, dict ): # pragma: no cover message = ( "This subparser action is missing its dictionary of " f"choices: {action}" ) raise RuntimeError(message) for subcommand, subparser in action.choices.items(): self._parsers.append(subparser) self._unparsed.append(False) self._args.append( " " * self._indent * (len(self._parsers) - 1) + subcommand ) args_before = self._args.copy() self._unparse_args() if self._args == args_before: self._parsers.pop() self._unparsed.pop() self._args.pop()
[docs] def _unparse_extend_action(self, action: Action) -> None: """ Generate the list of arguments for an ``extend`` action. Args: action: The :class:`_ExtendAction` in question. """ values = getattr(self._namespace, action.dest) if values is not None: self._append_list_of_args( [self._get_option_string(action), *values] )
[docs] def _unparse_boolean_optional_action(self, action: Action) -> None: """ Generate the list of arguments for a ``BooleanOptionalAction``. Args: action: The :class:`BooleanOptionalAction` in question. """ value = getattr(self._namespace, action.dest) if value is not None: flag_index = 0 if getattr(self._namespace, action.dest) else 1 self._append_arg(action.option_strings[flag_index])
[docs] def quote_arg_if_necessary(arg: str) -> str: """ Quote an argument, if necessary. If a command line argument has any spaces in it, surround it in single quotes. If no quotes are necessary, don't change the argument. Args: arg: The command line argument. Returns: The (possibly) quoted argument. """ needs_quotes_regex = re.compile(r"(.*\s.*)") if return needs_quotes_regex.sub(r"'\1'", arg) return arg